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Our Vision

(Why we exist)

Improve the future for our clients, our communities, and ourselves.
Emotionally. Economically.

Our Values

(How we engage with each other and our community)
  • We collaborate with clients and co-workers, bringing our personal best, every day.
  • We create, believing that the quality of our communication is imperative and how we communicate is of equal importance.
  • Conflict and crisis are natural components in creative and communication work, managed by short, ever-changing deadlines and priorities.
  • We believe that to achieve our vision we will recognize conflict and problems, speaking through these situations with clarity and kindness, to our fellow
    co-workers and our clients.
  • We aim to set each other up for success in the work we do by clearly presenting the organized information, the process, and the desired end goals.
  • We are driven, leaders, self-motivated, and fueled by our vision.
  • We lean in, we accelerate, we are proactive, defining the next actionable step, and taking it.
  • We understand that to make good on our vision, we will not procrastinate. Time is of the essence.
  • We understand that equal emphasis will be placed on development process,
    organization, and creative development.
  • We exist to solve communication problems.
  • How we do so consistently changes as both people and communication are in a constant state of active and unrelenting change.
  • We solve our assigned problems by proactively looking through the lens of “possibility” vs. “what is.”
  • We believe the impossible isn’t, and to make the impossible, possible, we understand the power of adaptation, change, and growth is our responsibility.
  • We are comfortable with discomfort.
  • We resist status quo.
  • We reject passivity.
  • We will create the future.
  • We understand the speed of an advertising agency and public relations firm specializing in healthcare, education, government, and economic development is fast moving and difficult.
  • We understand that our day will be consistently inconsistent due to the needs of our clients in order to achieve their goals.
  • We embrace our daily work lives—interrupted, stretched, challenged, changed, and compressed.
  • We shine when the going gets going.
  • Thick skin comes standard.
  • An ability to rebound is a must.
  • And growth through that struggle creates inevitable and unrelenting positive change.

Our Mission

(How we will accomplish our vision)

Communicate with the sole purpose of positively changing hearts and impacting minds.
Strategic. Purposeful. Powerful.

Our Core Talents

(How we approach our work)
Intuitive + fact-driven
  • We take a unique approach to finding marketing solutions: psychology—the bedrock of every campaign.
  • Everything we do is based on how we know people react and respond, come together, or fall apart.
  • Our natural-born instincts act as our initial North Star—guiding us toward messaging that resonates with the right people.
  • We apply proven strategies and continuously monitor to make sure we’re on track to get results.
  • Create the future—because if you wait for it, you may be left behind.
  • Forward-thinking allows us to adapt quickly to changes in technology and society (think: the social media boom and COVID-19).
  • We set the tone for what we want the future to be like for our clients, our communities, and ourselves.
Making it happen
  • Communicating with purpose is more than simply handing over a new logo or a polished website.
  • We develop a strategy, we use it, we get results.
  • We listen, ask the right questions, and dig deep for the right solution.
  • Our work hinges on drawing from experience, past results, and benchmarks of success to uncork client-specific strategies that build customer momentum.

Get to know the STR team

Our advertising agency is a perfect blend of storytellers, project managers, copywriters, graphic designers, web development wizards, social media gurus, video production specialists, and digital marketing strategists.

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