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Planning for an uncertain future

Proactive is one of our company values. It gives us a path forward. It provides us the stability to look beyond the here and now and plan for an unseen future. As this is a challenge that many businesses are facing right now, we thought we’d share some practical steps that have helped us move forward and create a new normal.


Staying informed through national and state news conferences.

Watching news conferences won’t tell us how to do business, but it does give us information about how the world is changing around us, and how that might impact our business. Keeping an eye on what’s happening on the coasts (e.g., New York and California) has helped us stay ahead of the game—often showing us what’s coming two weeks in advance—so we can plan ahead.


Planning for the worst-case scenario.

We might not shelter-in-place forever—but what if we never return to business as usual? It’s unlikely that we will be returning to the way we did business a few months ago—so we’ve got to be ready to continue business as-is.


Finding opportunities to serve essential businesses.

Believe it or not, there are essential businesses out there that are growing and hiring. We are always working to find ways to serve them during this time of growth.


Using our time to find solutions to these new challenges.

The number one asset we have right now is time. We’re using it to explore ways we can adapt and help our clients simplify their businesses as they plan for the future—whether it’s setting up eCommerce, launching digital ads, or rolling out web-based presentations.


Being proactive today isn’t easy, and it’s not going to mean the same thing for every business. What are you doing to plan for business after COVID-19? Tell us in the comments.
