3 Simple Questions to Help Understand the Future
Can you predict the future? Of course not. But you do have the ability to understand what your customers are currently thinking and to use that information to find out what we, as business owners, could all do to better serve them. Over the years we’ve seen countless surveys, but we’ve never received better customer feedback than when we’ve asked three simple questions. 1) What do you like? 2) What don’t you like? 3) What would you change? These can be hard questions to ask because sometimes you don’t want to hear the answers. But the only way to predict the future is to ask in the present and plan and improve accordingly. You...
Two minute tip to create Monday momentum
Every business can continue taking steps to strengthen customer confidence during the pandemic. Let’s look at these steps from the perspectives of three different types of business: 1) Business that are unable to be open. Think about what you’ve been doing while you’re not open. What plans have you been you working on to reopen or what new ideas do you have? Post these plans to social media daily and weekly so your customers can see your ideas and can begin to anticipate returning. 2) Businesses that are open but at reduced capacity. This type of business describes us at Strateligent. We’re open, but our daily work life...